Friday, July 25, 2008


Seth: …Because I’m listening to the radio. And This American Life is on…
Summer: Is that that show where those hipster know-it-alls talk about how fascinating ordinary people are? God.

Yes it is Summer, and yes they do. And yes I totally am that guy you see running around the Capitol listening to podcasts of This American Life on my ipod. And yes I’m usually completely absorbed in the story about someone taking care of their alcoholic mother or a young Iraqi interpreter working for the US Army or the two homeless poets in New York or the story of cryogenic freezing gone horribly wrong.
And listening to This American Life puts me in such a good mood and inspires in me so much goodwill towards complete strangers that when I see a group of tourists wheeling around on Segues I no longer have the urge to push them off those stupid things. Instead, I feel the need to give them all high fives as they roll on by.

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