Tuesday, July 22, 2008

An Outing.

I went driving with Lydia for a bit on Saturday and we made stops at: my favorite solid waste management facility, the most pathetic library in town, Trinidad, the first integrated golf course in the district, and a mop store. We also did some impromptu off-roading near a soccer game in Kenilworth. But that’s really neither here nor there.
Along the way I spotted this mural at a high school. I guess the school administration felt that the best place to display artwork was in a hidden courtyard used for storing large plastic drums of mystery liquid.

Later, we came across these columns in the National Arboretum. (Color adjusted for no reason other than I was bored.) This set of 22 marble columns perched on a small hill in the middle of a giant empty meadow is not actually America’s response to Stonehenge. In fact, they’re even cooler than that.
These are the original columns from the east portico of the National Capital built in 1828. But when the Capital dome was built in 1864, the columns looked too skinny compared to the dome and were later removed.
Rather than just throw out the marble, they are now standing in the middle of a national park. Majestic? Post-Apocalyptic? Totally Kick-Ass? Maybe a little bit of all three.

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