Saturday, March 15, 2008

The week ends.

The day got off to bad a start. On my walk to the metro I said good morning to everyone I passed, and I didn't get a single response. Things dragged on at work, but on my way home the day started to turned around.
A older man in a conservative dark suit got on the metro. He was carrying a 12 pack of Coors Light. This made me smile.
And then a girl got on at the next stop, she was listening to her ipod so loud that the song echoed throughout our mostly empty train. She was listening to Prince. We both got off at the same stop and on the way up the escalator I told her how much I liked the song she was listening to. She took her headphones out and I repeated to her that she was listening to my favorite Prince song. She smiled, "Oh, I know. I just love him." She put her headphones back on and walked off into the night.

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