Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Royale with Cheese.

Today in class we learned that a Happy Meal in Columbia is called una Cajita de Feliz.  Literally: a little box of happy.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Handle it.

At the DC Superior Court.

A boy, who looks to be no more than 14 years old waiting in line for the security check-in and talking on his cellphone:

"I told you, I'ma make it rain as soon as I handle my business here.  No, I'ma make it rain!  Just let me handle my grown man business at the court."

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


On a beautifully clear and sunny day just before Christmas, I went on a walk with Lydia and her mom along the bay at Crissy Field.  At the end of the walk, located directly under the bridge is Fort Point, an old US Army fort built during the Civil War to protect San Francisco against Confederate or foreign military attack.  (I know, that would have been a way nicer posting during the civil war than say, Antietam.)

Anyway, the fort was open and we were able to walk around inside (it is unsurprisingly spartan) and along the open rooftop where a spread of cannons were once located.  The air was cooler on the roof and a bit of breeze was swirling around under the bridge, so we didn't stay too long.  But before we left I was able to get a few pictures from directly under the bridge.

Sunday, January 2, 2011


A few days before Christmas the weather cleared and we spent an afternoon walking along the beach at Half Moon Bay. I like to misquote Tom Robbins on the Pacific as "an ocean that is anything but (pacific)." Not sure if that makes sense here, but we happened to be out on the beach on a day when the Pacific Ocean really lived up to its name. The water was clear and calm as far as one could see.

Anyway, the tide was up and fishermen were casting into the surf from the side of the road.

A little ways further down the beach, we were able to walk along the sand. At one of the fresh-water outlets, I enjoyed checking out the mix of light and dark sands winding down to the ocean and the way the flow of sand mimicked the flow of water.